Thursday, September 25, 2008

Abortion - Another Name for Murder

A mother kills her baby because it is unwanted, yet she is not charged

with murder. Is this right? Believe it or not, this has happened more than

twenty-million times in the past twenty years. The problem is that they have

been killed legally because of abortion. Many people approve of

because they consider that a fetus is not an individual human until birth.

Abortion is wrong and it shouldn't be legal. If a doctor killed a baby

one minute after it were born, they would be charged with murder. But if they

were to kill a baby one minute before it were born, and a minute before that and

so on, they would not be considered a murderer. At what minute can one consider

life worthless and the next precious?

Some people will say that abortion is not a matter of life and death,

but medical research proves that the fetus is a living organism. People also

argue that a woman has the right to control her body and has the right to an

abortion, but the fetus is a completely different life. Just because the unborn

is dependent on the mother for nine months does not give anyone the right to end

it's life.

I hope that I have at least brought you to some understanding that a

human fetus is a living individual. It should be remembered that a death occurs

every time an abortion is performed--the death of an unborn child.



In this text you can get information about what is capoeira and a little bit of history because here in barranquilla are to many people that are afraid to practice or training this martial art because they think that this is more like a type of dancing and singing in a other language that call the spirits.

Capoeira is one of the most exciting martial arts in Brazil. The African slaves in Brazil created Capoeira hundreds of years ago to rebel against their Brazilian slave masters. Capoeira is considered an art form because it is used as for playing, fighting, acrobatics, dancing, music, theater, ritual and philosophy. These elements make Capoeira so different than any other type of martial art. African men also used Capoeira as a way to prepare for war thousands of years ago but it is now practiced as a dance without any type of physical contact; it depends of the groups that you practice.

There are one capoeira but different style to played or “jogar”, one is Angola that is the traditional form of Capoeira and one the hardest forms to learn because the movements are slower requiring a lot of strength, there is also an emphasis on religion, with Angola praise is always given to the spirits. Angola is played to slow music so that the performer can be deliberately and careful to his opponent, but Angola is more to the ground imitating movements of the snake. The next one is Benguela that is more movements with fancy kicks in this style we can see a lot of malice or “maginga” like capoeira’s fighter said also capoeristas that imitates movements of the scorpion and the monkey. There are to many styles but depends from this two styles like sao bento grande, sao bento pequeno, Bimba in this style we can see the physical contact .
Capoeira became legal in Brazil in 1920 then later came a master of Capoeira by the name of “Bimba” and opened the first Capoeira academy in 1932. In Capoeira you can learn the type of person you are by expressing your skills in the roda. The student must show that he is ready and dedicated to his superior by being disciplined in the practices of Capoeira. The players, beginning in the center of the roda with their hands and feet touching the ground, move toward the center of the circle and begin kicking, and defending against the other opponent.

Also have a lot of benefits such as in the physical way the intense cardiovascular workout, improve the flexibility, develops rhythm and coordination , in the intellectual way you can learn Portuguese, general afro-brazilians traditions in the psychological way reduce stress, improves focus and concentration, promotes self-control, discipline and in the social way promotes togetherness, celebrates diversity among other .

Finally, with all this information I can say that capoeira is a martial art, the unique one that combines martial arts, acrobatics movements and music.
if you are in Barranquilla, you like it, and have a facebook


Monday, September 22, 2008

The 5 Most Creative Ways to Clean Up Pollution

We bury them underground, drown them in lagoons, or shove them out to sea—no matter how remote a site, it may be full of the toxic by-products of modern life. Nuclear waste and heavy metals are just some of the noxious residue of our everyday existence. To reverse the damage, scientists turn to both innovative technologies and peculiar organisms.

Chlorine Cuisine
If they make their way into the groundwater, chlorinated wastes, like those found in dry-cleaning fluids and paint thinner, can cause liver problems and cancer in people. But some bacteria find these chemicals quite palatable: When Dehalococcoides ethenogenes comes in contact with the chemicals, it feasts on chlorinated compounds, converting them into harmless gases.

Fly Ash Bricks
In the process of generating electricity, U.S. coal plants spew more than 70 million tons a year of a radio­active waste called fly ash. Now a Missouri company has found a way to turn the ash into bricks, an innovation that reduces fly ash while providing an extra benefit: The bricks soak up toxic mercury from the air.
Purging Pesticides
White rot fungi, common in the forests of North America, use special enzymes to convert the carbon in trees to energy. These same enzymes can oxidize environmental pollutants such as pesticides and PCBs, rendering them benign.

Flushing Iron
Metal toxins commonly found at mining sites could be treated with the stinky remains of human wastewater. The human waste, rife with iron, would be especially useful if dumped at sites loaded with cadmium, lead, and arsenic. The iron would readily react with the other metals and keep them from dissolving into nearby groundwater.

Plutonium Pyramids
Hematite, a shiny black mineral sometimes used to make jewelry, can soak up plutonium and uranium waste from nuclear plants. Scientists recently found that hematite crystals placed in acid grow pyramid-like structures on their surface. As the structures form, contaminants can settle into tiny pockets in the hematite crystal, where they could remain stable for hundreds of years.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Of the curative effects of the seed of ground flax seed. Researchers at the scientific institute for the study of the linseed from Canada and of the United States, have focused their attention in the role of this seed in the prevention and treatment of numerous degenerative diseases.

The research and clinical experiences have shown that regular consumption of flax seed, prevent or cure the following diseases:
* CANCER: breast, prostate, colon, lung, and so on..., Flax seed contains 27 anti-carcinogenic components; one of them is the LIGNINA. Flax seed contains 100 times more than the best grains. No other plant known until now equates these properties. It is a shield against the formation of tumors. Only in cancers is recommended to change seed in ground Flax seed with cottage cheese low in calories.
* LOW WEIGHT: The ground flax seed is excellent for weight loss. Removing cholesterol quickly. It helps to control obesity and unnecessary feeling of appetite, because they contain large amounts of dietary fiber, is 5 times more fiber than oatmeal. If you want to lose weight, take a spoonful more in the evenings.
* DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Helps prevent or cure colon cancer, ideal for gastritis, constipation, heartburn, lubricate and restore the intestinal flora, gastric expel gases. It is a laxative for excellence. Eliminates toxins and pollutants. Flax seed contains large quantities in two types of dietary fiber soluble and insoluble. It contains more fiber than any grain.
* NERVOUS SYSTEM: It is a treatment for the pressure. People who consume flax seed feel a large fall in nervous tension and a sense of calm. Ideal for people who work with low pressure Improving mental functions of the elderly, improving the behavior problems. Flax seed is a dose of energy for your brain, because it contains more nutrients that produce neurotransmitters.
* As we see flax seed has many benefits of which we mention some, but we can see that flax seed has a lot of benefits to our body. knowing the benefits of consuming flax seed the way of employment is as follows: two soup spoons per day, spray on the processor, mix in a glass of fruit juice or on the fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, for breakfast or lunch, can make the people of all ages are girls, adolescents and elderly women, including pregnant women.