Nowadays the proliferation of people with eating disorders is becoming more alarming, Anorexia, Bulimia and Vigorexia are the most famous, but there is also another disease that is becoming increasingly common, the Orthorexia or Addiction to Healthy Food. Paradoxically, the concern over healthy eating seriously undermined our body. The Healthy Eating in Orthorexia defined as a pathological obsession to consume only certain types of food: organic vegetable, no preservatives, no fat, no meat or fruit only, or only raw foods. The form of preparation - cut vegetables in a certain way, and the materials used - only ceramic or wood, etc .- are also part of the ritual obsessive. Fearless in the Orthorexia defined as a pathological obsession for what is considered healthy and biologically pure. People suffering Orthorexia make food the center of your thoughts and your life. They reject everything that food that is not completely natural, that list includes meat, fat, processed foods, food prepared in restaurants, fast food, produce grown with pesticides among others. This obsession ends up affecting the health of the individual that suffers, the ortorexical people prefer fast before forbidden to consume any food at their discretion. The removal of certain foods from the diet produces daily nutrient deficiencies that degenerate in various diseases: malnutrition, anemia, deficiencies of vitamins and minerals, high risk of infection, and so on. Additionally, the social life of these people is affected because they are incapable of sharing drinks and meals as usual.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sure have seen: roam the malls or places of the country, or come out of schools and universities. They have dark hair, skinny as a broomstick and used clothes that fit generally consists of shirt, jeans and Converse tennis ..Its existence is a constant pain and suffering without parallel in human history. These are emo boys , is the new expression of troubled youth that threatens the world. We invade of emo boys, becoming just one more fashion, in my opinion is a form in which it is expressed not care what people say, are romantic, loving, expressive, intelligent, because it is one thing to get up and say that life is a shit, and quite another to say is I'm so unhappy and I do not mind being part of this, some struggling to demonstrate what they are capable and show what I felt at the time without taboos, some are more people who crossed out as observed and depressing fashionable
Is it true that Facebook protects its members?
Although the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has ensured that this social network is very careful in matters of privacy, yet I have left some doubt as to whether he really controls to protect users, especially to minors . The young Mark, who has come to Spain to face or we get down to it, believes that the approach to privacy that has been adopted from the outset, based on granular controls, as has been commissioned to describe in his crowded news conference at Hotel Urban in Madrid, is a key to the success of this social network, in which Spain already has 1.4 million active users. We want to believe that these controls effectively, the user can use according to their interests, so you can choose what type of information you want or do not share with others, are effective and comply scrupulously with its mission. There is a huge concern on the Net about whether there is security in the social networks, if we can be confident that the information that there is left is either "guarded" and whether, ultimately, take the necessary measures to prevent the violation of fundamental rights . Because, undoubtedly, is very well that the social networks grow, and so do their business, but also that the members of which have sufficient guarantees of privacy and security. The trust is absolutely essential for people to follow informción to share with others and continue to give account of his personal life in these virtual spaces. In addition, all happy and grateful with the visit of Mark Zuckerberg, who also told us important things about the social network.
which of the multiple intelligences you associate with you identify?
At present there are eight types of intelligences that make up the human being. The types of intelligence such as stress in some respects the personal qualities like being a way of superiority to each other. in some cases highlighted several types of multiple intelligences, favorable for those who mention it. The multiple intelligences are: * The naturalist, is one that works on the natural environment, learn about the plants, explores the living. * The mathematics, is one that works with numbers, solve problems, experience, working with the abstract. * The verbal linguistic, reads, writes, storytelling, talks, does puzzles, memorizing data, dates, think of words. * The interpersonal, likes to have friends, talk to and understand the people, leads, organizes, relates, resolves conflicts, cooperates. * The intrapersonal, sets goals, has the capacity to work alone, devotes time to reflect and understand yourself. * The Kinesthetic, likes athletics, dance, drama, processes the information through bodily sensations. * The musical, likes to hum sing, play an instrument, listen to music, sounds to recognize, remember melodies and rhythms. * The space, read maps, draw, solve mazes, puzzles, likes to design, build, displayed using your mental eye. According to these intelligences is the intellect and wisdom for personal superiority. Finalizing the subject concluded that each person has all the multiple intelligences, but some stand out more.
Currently the TV shows influence the thinking of people of all ages, the principal and favorite hobby of today’s people is watch TV many hours, this situation permit that the TV manipulate emotion of people specially teenagers because TV programs and commercials say us how we need to be or act.
The propagation of the TV has made that it become the principal media of fun, it can influence positive or negative but unfortunately the negative impact is greatest.
Negatively the TV programs made people more laziness and lethargy and affect the children because they prefer watch TV that made their homework, and while we are watching TV our brains doesn’t work because only it is receiving information , this situation cause that we lost the ability of think. Also the TV programs that contain a lot of violence can made that our humor change and our behavior.
For the other part, some TV programs and commercials affect the self-esteem and the how to look the teens, many commercials use famous and beautiful persons to promote their products, they say with different words the same like this:” if you buy these products you can have you body like me”. It cause that many teens worry too much about their appearance and they fall in eating disorders.
Finally we must be mindful about the damage caused by TV and we should to know when we should stop to watch TV and made other thing different for relax our mind, in this way we will help to build a better society.
satan, devil, iblis they are de same one?
According to many religions the Devil is an evil spirit that opposes God or good spirits. Devils are supposed to tempt people to be wicked. The chief tempter is called the Devil and may command many lesser devils. In Judaism and Christianity, the Devil is also known as Satan. In Islam, the religion of the Muslims, the Devil is known as Iblis. Sometimes the religious belief in devils is combined with folklore about ghosts and demons. Most Oriental religions do not accept a single supreme Devil, such as Satan or Iblis. These religions teach that countless devils of equal rank try to harm human beings. In the Old Testament, the Devil is a shatan, a Hebrew word that means opponent. The Devil serves as a kind of accuser or prosecutor in God's heavenly court. In the Book of Job, which dates from about the 600's to the 400's B.C., God permits the Devil to test the faith of Job by overwhelming the man with misfortunes. Through the centuries, the Devil became an increasingly evil figure. By the time of the New Testament, he had become the opponent of God and had been expelled from heaven because of his rebellious pride. Since then, the Devil has spitefully tempted humanity to turn against God. In Christianity, the Devil also rules hell, where he and his followers punish the damned. In many works of art and literature, Satan and other devils are portrayed with animal features, particularly bat's wings, split hooves, and a barbed tail. These features probably symbolize the beastly lust and passion that the Devil represents. Many modern theologians consider the Devil to be a symbol of the power of evil, of the worst qualities of human nature, or of the destructive forces in the universe. The evil the Devil possesses is very powerful, it is used to try and deceive people, make people do what they do not want to do.
Luis Angel Mercado
Luis Angel Mercado
What do we have to do to have a happy day?
Almost everyone talks about happy days, but, what’s that? Or a better question, how can we have them? There are several investigations in Psychology; one of them is related to motivation. This theory says that all humans have some necessities, one of them is linked with biological systems, but others are related to psychology preferences or lacks.
Some of these psychological necessities are innate: self-determination, gregariousness and competence.
The self –determination happens when the people can make their own decisions without any conditions or manipulation and the context where they live let have that kind of decisions. For example, the parents should permit their kids to choose the clothes they want to use or what they want to eat, the same in the job, e.g. the worker should have the opportunity the take the projects that feel good. It can’t be confused with leniency because the rules exist, but they are not imposed, they are agreed.
The gregariousness is related with the feeling that everyone needs companies, profound relationships. The people need to feel that they have some to count on, is some cases someone who can protect them. They need to have social situations where this necessity can be counteracted and filled.
The last necessity is the competence that is different from competition. Competence is associated to the inner force that try to make you better everyday, but because you want to learn new things all the time. That’s why the curiosity can be put here. People can see this necessity when they want to dominate a skill, for example a sport or a musical instrument; they always want to practice until they can make the movement or the note perfectly.
That’s why, the studies show that the people must fulfill these necessities if the want to have a happy day, so be better everyday, make you own choices and encourage your friends.
Who is Bigfoot?
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is an alleged ape-like creature purportedly inhabiting forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid. Many believers in its existence contend that the same or similar creatures are found around the world under different regional names, most prominently the Yeti of the Himalayas.
The scientific community considers Bigfoot to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes.Despite its dubious status, Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of cryptozoologyand has become a popular symbol.
Bigfoot is described in reports as a large ape-like creature, ranging between 6–10 feet (1.8–3.0 m) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair. Alleged witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell by those who have claimed to have encountered it. The enormous footprints for which it is named have been as large as 24 inches (61 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide. While most casts have five toes—like all known apes—some casts of alleged Bigfoot tracks have had numbers ranging from two to six. Some have also contained claw marks, making it likely that a portion came from known animals such as bears, which have four toes and claws. Proponents have also claimed that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.
About half of all Bigfoot sightings are concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, with a roughly equal number of sightings spread throughout the rest of North America. Some Bigfoot advocates, such as cryptozoologist John Willison Green, have postulated that Bigfoot is a worldwide phenomenon
The scientific community considers Bigfoot to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoaxes.Despite its dubious status, Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of cryptozoologyand has become a popular symbol.
Bigfoot is described in reports as a large ape-like creature, ranging between 6–10 feet (1.8–3.0 m) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair. Alleged witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell by those who have claimed to have encountered it. The enormous footprints for which it is named have been as large as 24 inches (61 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide. While most casts have five toes—like all known apes—some casts of alleged Bigfoot tracks have had numbers ranging from two to six. Some have also contained claw marks, making it likely that a portion came from known animals such as bears, which have four toes and claws. Proponents have also claimed that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.
About half of all Bigfoot sightings are concentrated in the Pacific Northwest, with a roughly equal number of sightings spread throughout the rest of North America. Some Bigfoot advocates, such as cryptozoologist John Willison Green, have postulated that Bigfoot is a worldwide phenomenon
fight against racism
UNESCO contributes to the fight against racism and discrimination through research, normative instruments and operational programmes and projects.
New forms of discrimination have arisen, in association with certain scientific developments and the process of globalization. As a result of these new threats and the outbreak of violent inter-ethnic conflicts in many parts of the world in recent years, the international community decided to convene in 2001 in Durban, South Africa, the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. In close collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO participated actively in the Durban Conference, which was undoubtedly the high point of the Third United Nations Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, which ended in 2003. In order to respond to the challenges emerging in modern societies, UNESCO has adopted in October 2003 a new Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance (32C/13). In order to develop this strategy, UNESCO undertook a series of studies on different aspects and forms of racism, xenophobia and discrimination. A series of consultations in different regions in the world were also organized to discuss the regional specificities and priorities to be taken into account.
New forms of discrimination have arisen, in association with certain scientific developments and the process of globalization. As a result of these new threats and the outbreak of violent inter-ethnic conflicts in many parts of the world in recent years, the international community decided to convene in 2001 in Durban, South Africa, the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. In close collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO participated actively in the Durban Conference, which was undoubtedly the high point of the Third United Nations Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, which ended in 2003. In order to respond to the challenges emerging in modern societies, UNESCO has adopted in October 2003 a new Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance (32C/13). In order to develop this strategy, UNESCO undertook a series of studies on different aspects and forms of racism, xenophobia and discrimination. A series of consultations in different regions in the world were also organized to discuss the regional specificities and priorities to be taken into account.
Trauma in young people after desaster
disasters can cause a trauma in young people and change their means.
Each day, they see many desasters and vilolence in tv, like a sexual abuse and killed people. So they lose loved ones. Or, they witness other tragic events.
Children are very sensitive. They struggle to make sense of trauma. They also respond differently to traumas. They may have emotional reactions. They may hurt deeply. They may find it hard to recover from frightening experiences. They need support. Adult helpers can provide this support. This may help children resolve emotional problems.
Mental trauma can produce strong feelings and demage in young people. It also produce extreme behavior too; such as intense fear or helplessness, withdrawal or detachment, lack of concentration, irritability, sleep disturbance, aggression, hyper vigilance, or flashbacks, said The National Institute of Mental Health .
Ricardo Correa!...
colombian championship of soccer
many team are fighting for come in at finals,really seven teams has possibility,between these is junior,our team nedds win for pass to finals and saved the category.if junior doesn´t win have to wait other result for know his fait.
the game decisisve is next sunday against sante fe,this team too nedd win for pass to finals,for this reason this game is very interesting and we must accompany our team filling the stadium.
the game decisisve is next sunday against sante fe,this team too nedd win for pass to finals,for this reason this game is very interesting and we must accompany our team filling the stadium.
December: the most important season to work
A lot of people that did not have any job experience think that the best season to get a job it is on december.
Many people that find on december the oportunity to start a new experience in your own life. In this season a lot of schools or universities are on vacations, so they do not have anything to do in their house and try to find a job. Many start working in a store, in a bussines´s friend, etc.
In december it is the month that a lot of store need people, because this month that the store has a lot of sales. But this job it´s not easy, you have to work the entire december since 1 - 31. The reason that a lot of people work ina store its because the pay is excellent.
Any way you have to be decided and sure what means work on december and be prepared for that month.
Many people that find on december the oportunity to start a new experience in your own life. In this season a lot of schools or universities are on vacations, so they do not have anything to do in their house and try to find a job. Many start working in a store, in a bussines´s friend, etc.
In december it is the month that a lot of store need people, because this month that the store has a lot of sales. But this job it´s not easy, you have to work the entire december since 1 - 31. The reason that a lot of people work ina store its because the pay is excellent.
Any way you have to be decided and sure what means work on december and be prepared for that month.
Some people really don´t like obama
Is it coincidence that this is the presidential candidate who's wife, Michelle Obama, stated February 18, 2008 "For the first time in my adult life I am really proud of my country." Is she only proud of her country because her husband campaigns to be its leader and previously has not been proud of her country?
Is it further coincidence that this is the presidential candidate who's spiritual advisor for the last 20 years, and the man who married he and his wife, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., is anti-semitic and claims that America supports terrorism, invited the 9/11 attack, invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against African Americans, blames the Jews for the world's problems and seemingly enjoys the repeated rant of "God Damn America"? Is it a coincidence that this is the presidential candidate endorsed by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party and other anti-white and anti-semitic hate groups?
Is it anything less than a double standard and complete bigotry when Obama stereotypes with the phrase "typical white person", knowing that if Hillary Clinton, John McCain or any other non-African American recast the same phrase in the form of 'typical black person' they would themselves be cast a racist and their resignation demanded?
Are these behaviors that the American people can trust to their Commander-in-Chief? These are difficult questions that when posed individually can be easily dismissed, however, when posed collectively give the appearance of a pattern which is clearly not in the best interest of America.
Is it further coincidence that this is the presidential candidate who's spiritual advisor for the last 20 years, and the man who married he and his wife, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., is anti-semitic and claims that America supports terrorism, invited the 9/11 attack, invented the HIV virus as a means of genocide against African Americans, blames the Jews for the world's problems and seemingly enjoys the repeated rant of "God Damn America"? Is it a coincidence that this is the presidential candidate endorsed by Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panther Party and other anti-white and anti-semitic hate groups?
Is it anything less than a double standard and complete bigotry when Obama stereotypes with the phrase "typical white person", knowing that if Hillary Clinton, John McCain or any other non-African American recast the same phrase in the form of 'typical black person' they would themselves be cast a racist and their resignation demanded?
Are these behaviors that the American people can trust to their Commander-in-Chief? These are difficult questions that when posed individually can be easily dismissed, however, when posed collectively give the appearance of a pattern which is clearly not in the best interest of America.
Global Warming
By Cesar Ballesteros
In this essay a going to talk about the global Warming to day is considerate a huge problem, because this natural phenomenon can affect the life of the all human race. This phenomenon affects the growing land y the temperature off the Antarctic.
If the glaciers melt the level of the sea increment, and all coast city in the world are in danger and a high percents of the people can lost they home. Other aspect of the global warming is the political. The countries industrialized don’t want established green political that protects, ours forest, jungle, and all natural ambient, because this new politics would slow the accelerating economic progress of this countries.
The Global Warming increment the number of hurricane, twister, storm, around the world, this is one of the principal causes increment the number of homeless in some countries in South America and Asia, this homeless represent a social problem, because the government have to supply all the necessity of the people.
In a future the Global warming can make a seriously problem a war for the food and water, between nations, because the amount of food and water reduce dramatically.
In this essay a going to talk about the global Warming to day is considerate a huge problem, because this natural phenomenon can affect the life of the all human race. This phenomenon affects the growing land y the temperature off the Antarctic.
If the glaciers melt the level of the sea increment, and all coast city in the world are in danger and a high percents of the people can lost they home. Other aspect of the global warming is the political. The countries industrialized don’t want established green political that protects, ours forest, jungle, and all natural ambient, because this new politics would slow the accelerating economic progress of this countries.
The Global Warming increment the number of hurricane, twister, storm, around the world, this is one of the principal causes increment the number of homeless in some countries in South America and Asia, this homeless represent a social problem, because the government have to supply all the necessity of the people.
In a future the Global warming can make a seriously problem a war for the food and water, between nations, because the amount of food and water reduce dramatically.
Capitalism, a new way of cultural Holocaust.
Since 16th century, capitalism has been a economic system mostly seen in countrys with a lot of ways and machinary for production, but now it's also seen in a lot of countrys that doesn't have the necessity to have this system, Capitalisim in poor countries make them have less posibilities to grow in a better way.
Buying unnecessary things, addopting different behaviors that are not native from our places of living, will make us a copy of another cultures. When we compare capitalism with for example, Nazi Holocaust, we can see several things in common. Native people that lives in jungles, mountains, and places that are far away from the big cities, are now using technology from this places to solve problems in their communities.
Many cultures are now bombed by capitalism, for example, American traiditions are now been addopted by people in Latin America, make us losing our ways of living to use theirs.
Capitalism creates inequality in the society, because there is people that doesn't have the same acquiring capacities than others. Government should be more concerned about this situation because Capitalism is taking out our traditions and putting others instead.
Eduar Barbosa Caro.
Buying unnecessary things, addopting different behaviors that are not native from our places of living, will make us a copy of another cultures. When we compare capitalism with for example, Nazi Holocaust, we can see several things in common. Native people that lives in jungles, mountains, and places that are far away from the big cities, are now using technology from this places to solve problems in their communities.
Many cultures are now bombed by capitalism, for example, American traiditions are now been addopted by people in Latin America, make us losing our ways of living to use theirs.
Capitalism creates inequality in the society, because there is people that doesn't have the same acquiring capacities than others. Government should be more concerned about this situation because Capitalism is taking out our traditions and putting others instead.
Eduar Barbosa Caro.
What can we expect like new gaduate students ?
Well, for some people this is the last class as a bachelor student in this prestigious University and a very important doubt is in their minds these days . What is next ?. We have different ways for make the decission and some diferrent possibilities could be taken :
Keep studing to achieve a Master , Phd .
Learn another language .
Get into the working activity applying their knowledge into the practice .
Create your own company .
An import fact to analyse is the economic , social and political situation in our country . We need to realize that we are living in a underveloped nation and all the limitations that it leads.
In the market the best opportunities are for the people that have a complete and excellent currilum with many years of expericence .
The decission is in our hands . Good luck
Keep studing to achieve a Master , Phd .
Learn another language .
Get into the working activity applying their knowledge into the practice .
Create your own company .
An import fact to analyse is the economic , social and political situation in our country . We need to realize that we are living in a underveloped nation and all the limitations that it leads.
In the market the best opportunities are for the people that have a complete and excellent currilum with many years of expericence .
The decission is in our hands . Good luck
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