Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is it true that Facebook protects its members?

Although the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, has ensured that this social network is very careful in matters of privacy, yet I have left some doubt as to whether he really controls to protect users, especially to minors . The young Mark, who has come to Spain to face or we get down to it, believes that the approach to privacy that has been adopted from the outset, based on granular controls, as has been commissioned to describe in his crowded news conference at Hotel Urban in Madrid, is a key to the success of this social network, in which Spain already has 1.4 million active users. We want to believe that these controls effectively, the user can use according to their interests, so you can choose what type of information you want or do not share with others, are effective and comply scrupulously with its mission. There is a huge concern on the Net about whether there is security in the social networks, if we can be confident that the information that there is left is either "guarded" and whether, ultimately, take the necessary measures to prevent the violation of fundamental rights . Because, undoubtedly, is very well that the social networks grow, and so do their business, but also that the members of which have sufficient guarantees of privacy and security. The trust is absolutely essential for people to follow informción to share with others and continue to give account of his personal life in these virtual spaces. In addition, all happy and grateful with the visit of Mark Zuckerberg, who also told us important things about the social network.

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