Thursday, November 13, 2008

What do we have to do to have a happy day?

Almost everyone talks about happy days, but, what’s that? Or a better question, how can we have them? There are several investigations in Psychology; one of them is related to motivation. This theory says that all humans have some necessities, one of them is linked with biological systems, but others are related to psychology preferences or lacks.

Some of these psychological necessities are innate: self-determination, gregariousness and competence.
The self –determination happens when the people can make their own decisions without any conditions or manipulation and the context where they live let have that kind of decisions. For example, the parents should permit their kids to choose the clothes they want to use or what they want to eat, the same in the job, e.g. the worker should have the opportunity the take the projects that feel good. It can’t be confused with leniency because the rules exist, but they are not imposed, they are agreed.

The gregariousness is related with the feeling that everyone needs companies, profound relationships. The people need to feel that they have some to count on, is some cases someone who can protect them. They need to have social situations where this necessity can be counteracted and filled.

The last necessity is the competence that is different from competition. Competence is associated to the inner force that try to make you better everyday, but because you want to learn new things all the time. That’s why the curiosity can be put here. People can see this necessity when they want to dominate a skill, for example a sport or a musical instrument; they always want to practice until they can make the movement or the note perfectly.

That’s why, the studies show that the people must fulfill these necessities if the want to have a happy day, so be better everyday, make you own choices and encourage your friends.

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