Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Why learn languages?

"I speak English, so I don't have to learn a foreign language............"?

Everyone speaks English, right? Well, certainly not everyone speaks English. According to the CIA World Fact Book, only 5.6 % of the world's total population speaks English as a primary language. That number doubles when people who speak English as a second or third language are counted. By conservative estimates, that means that well over four-fifths of the world's population does not speak English.

It's true that English has become a global lingua franca ( language widely used beyond the population of its native ) over the past several decades; this fact, however, really should have little effect on your decision to learn a foreign language. The attitude that English alone is enough, in fact, creates self-imposed limitations. To remain monolingual is to stunt your educational development, to restrict your communication and thinking abilities, and to deny yourself the ability to fully appreciate and understand the world in which you live. Learning another language opens up new opportunities and gives you perspectives that you might never have encountered otherwise. Personal, professional, social, and economic considerations all point to the advantages of learning foreign languages.


Freddy Romero said...

I think that this article is very interesting, because speak other languages is really important for our benefit in all the ways. Actually, in all the world are looking for people who speak a lot of languages and it cuold be a great opportunity to get a exelent job in a future.

3l LoK0 said...

in the world the languages is so importan because this is the topic to decide who are the best in the way that the new industry needs persons whoes talk more of two langueges.

Luis Angel said...

yeah this is a good text, because open the eyes of the people that have a job, they dont know another language and they are losing oportunities to get a better jobs

Fadia Khouri Saavedra said...

I totally agree. Sometimes people are very conformist, so they think that they can do whatever they want because the know English, but that's not right, there exit a lot of languages that can be learned, and that give us more opportunities to communicate in the world

Tatiana Garrido Brokate said...

well i think that learn many language is the most important for our professional life because in this moment don't exist limits for trave and change knowledge. not only mandarín or english is sufficient today is necessary be multi-language.

carlos consuegra said...

When we learn different languages we are able to communicate in many diferent countries and that bring new opportunities for us, and that help us to met many kinds of people all around the world.