Sunday, September 21, 2008


Of the curative effects of the seed of ground flax seed. Researchers at the scientific institute for the study of the linseed from Canada and of the United States, have focused their attention in the role of this seed in the prevention and treatment of numerous degenerative diseases.

The research and clinical experiences have shown that regular consumption of flax seed, prevent or cure the following diseases:
* CANCER: breast, prostate, colon, lung, and so on..., Flax seed contains 27 anti-carcinogenic components; one of them is the LIGNINA. Flax seed contains 100 times more than the best grains. No other plant known until now equates these properties. It is a shield against the formation of tumors. Only in cancers is recommended to change seed in ground Flax seed with cottage cheese low in calories.
* LOW WEIGHT: The ground flax seed is excellent for weight loss. Removing cholesterol quickly. It helps to control obesity and unnecessary feeling of appetite, because they contain large amounts of dietary fiber, is 5 times more fiber than oatmeal. If you want to lose weight, take a spoonful more in the evenings.
* DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Helps prevent or cure colon cancer, ideal for gastritis, constipation, heartburn, lubricate and restore the intestinal flora, gastric expel gases. It is a laxative for excellence. Eliminates toxins and pollutants. Flax seed contains large quantities in two types of dietary fiber soluble and insoluble. It contains more fiber than any grain.
* NERVOUS SYSTEM: It is a treatment for the pressure. People who consume flax seed feel a large fall in nervous tension and a sense of calm. Ideal for people who work with low pressure Improving mental functions of the elderly, improving the behavior problems. Flax seed is a dose of energy for your brain, because it contains more nutrients that produce neurotransmitters.
* As we see flax seed has many benefits of which we mention some, but we can see that flax seed has a lot of benefits to our body. knowing the benefits of consuming flax seed the way of employment is as follows: two soup spoons per day, spray on the processor, mix in a glass of fruit juice or on the fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, for breakfast or lunch, can make the people of all ages are girls, adolescents and elderly women, including pregnant women.


Freddy Romero said...

There are many benefits that we offer flax seed, I think that is important add this source of vitamins and minerals in our diet, because as we can see the flax seed offers significant benefits to lead a healthy life and yet we immunize or cure many of the most common diseases affecting a large number of people.

Luis Angel said...

is a good text because this is a seed that everyone dont know and their benefits. i will try to suggest to other people to use it

Adriana Pastrana said...

your article is very interesting because show us the benefits of seed , above their helaing power, and is a little hope about persons with this problems and also for prevent.this information is really important for save lifes!