Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good teachers VS good students

I graduated from the university just 2 years ago. When I was a student, I was very selective in classes I attended. In our system of education all subjects are obligatory and you can’t choose a teacher. But the attendance of many courses was not required so I was attending the classes of the people I liked and showed up to the exams of the rest. I’ve always been aware of my selectiveness; I knew that if I don’t like the person it didn’t mean that s/he was a bad teacher. It’s all about personalities and preferences.
I’ve always had favorite teachers. They could be different: strict or lenient, with a sense of humor or serious, but they were always motivating. I’ve never expected them to come and put a piece of knowledge in my head, but I was always expecting them to show me the ways of getting the knowledge myself. Good teachers challenged my point of view and opened new horizons.
Now I’m a teacher myself and it made me understand that a teacher is just a part of the success. Student’s attitude plays a great role in the class’s success. I have many groups and even when I teach the same book, use the same jokes and anecdotes, my classes are different. They can be interesting and boring, useless and slow, fruitful and fast.
I think that higher education – this is a personal choice and responsibility. The Rector of my university was right when in his speech to us, freshmen, he said: “When you enter university, you have the opportunity to get 100% of knowledge, but a teacher can give you only 10% of it. The rest 90% depends on you. It’s up to you to decide what you get in the end.”
So, what are good students and good teachers for you? Share your experience and ideas.


Anonymous said...

it workes!=)

Anonymous said...

I have been a student for many years and studied with a lot of teachers. For that reason i think that good teachers must be knowledgeable and sensible in the way they behave to their students, but the real deal is into you . In the way that i apply for my life every theory and advice that i recive during my education.


Luis Angel said...

ok i think that is a good article because have the two perspective one the student and one of the teacher, also i have to say that depends on the enthusiasm with the teacher dictates the classes because one like student acquires the basic knowledge and can be use more easily

Freddy Romero said...

I think that the article show us a very important thing that we should to take in count, is when the students enter to university must give the 100% of their knowledge. A 10% can give us our teachers and the remaining 90% must give us our attitude and dedication. Because i think that the real succes is learn using our own ways to get it and following the patterns that the teachers give us.

Adriana Pastrana said...

I think that the good teacher is who, in adittion to teach us , prepares us for life, and the good student is who know how seize these tools and know how apply it in your life.
The article is very interesting and the phrase that said the rector was in my mind,is a phrase that has a lot of reason.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Sometimes students think that their own success depends on the personality or the attitude of their teachers, but that's a big mistake. The class should be developed by students because we are the people who want to learn and the teachers are just a guide who can give us some tools to make our own path. But the role and the attitude of the students make the difference.

Eli Vergara said...

I agree with adriana, a good teacher is an "integral teacher", is a person who can give you advice and show you experiences of his or her life!! Of course a good teacher increase your knowledge too.

Suzanne said...

In my opinion, I believe that all teaching and learning process involves the teacher and student.
Teachers is committed to its responsibility not only transmit knowledge but to motivate their students to generate new knowledge, there has to be fully identified with its mission, namely seize this great opportunity given to target, communicate with fellow who trust in his teachings, place their confidence that their knowledge will be proactive incentives to keep alive the flame of wisdom.
For me a good teacher is the one responsible for teaching your subject, which respects his students, loves his job, you have to consider more professional, to transmit to his students, teaches not only knowledge but experience.

As a student, friend and companion of many teachers and students, I think the art of teaching is delivered as a human being, be genuine and consistent.

As a future teacher, I believe that one day I will be ever be able to give what we do not have, nor can we teach what we do not know, the students know and can not be fooled.

As I reported to be Unn good teacher means being aware that there will always be different views to himself, which often will not agree but there must be respect and wants to hear.

think that for the success of a good student depends on the educational processes of the teacher, this is the one who is responsible for the development of the potentials in order to train students critical, reflective and are able to solve problems.