Monday, February 2, 2009


My name is Andrea Susana Vega Cabarcas, I was born in Cartagena, Colombia in 1990. I'm 18 years old.
I study psychology at the Uninorte in Barranquilla, Colombia and I am in 2nd semester.
I studied my highschool in Castagena, in a school named El Pinar de Canada. It is a military school and I had great experiences there, like military camping for 4 days with all my classmates, shooting real arms in competitions.
I also went to a submarine and a lot of warships and to the schoolship named Gloria.
In that school I learned to help poor people, because my school has adopt a poor school named Puente Honda and we went there to teach the kids and to made them partys like halloween and christmas. We also took the kids to and island and the acuarium, they were so happy. I like to help this kids because it shows me how lucky I am for having the oportunity to study in a good school and a good university, and sometimes people don't see that.

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