Wednesday, March 18, 2009



Name: Massiel C. Henríquez Parodi.

The history of punishments in Colombia is very variable, because our national history it’s gave by a lot of facts that although define our way to be, influence our lows positive and negatively in the same way. Before, the capital punishment existed, nowadays, they don’t want to have the people jailed.

Before to start to write opinions we should think what kind of crimes do we want to be punished with the life sentence. In my opinion the main crimes are the homicides, sexual abuse and kidnapping. I’ve even thought on capital punishment to all those criminals who violate the children rights, but I’ve reflected about it because God is the only one who can decide for the someone life’s destiny.

If Colombia implement the life sentence the first thing what will happened is that the people victim of the horrors is going to feel supported by the government. Second –and I’m very sure of that- the crime level will decrease, because the criminals don’t care about what they do for the simple punishments that they will get for any crime they committed, doesn’t matter what it is, always the punish will be less of what they deserve. Beside that, the law help them to go out of streets easier and faster, if they don’t do nothing bad during they stay on jail. But, if the government implement the life sentence, the criminals will be motivated to not make crimes for the harder punish that they will get.

I think the main contra that life sentence have is the economical factor. The government expense is very high and the maintenance of convicts on jail is very expensive, looking them as a group. If the government implement thins punish, this implicate to increase the government expense, when they don’t have money enough to do it.

Is necessary to our country make this law’s projects because of justice. We cannot let the criminals free on the streets, after the assassination of innocent people, or even worst, after the assassination or abuse of our children. Just God can forgive that kind of crimes. We don’t ask for capital punishment because we don’t like to be like them: disrespectful of the other life.

Finally, we cannot be flexible in the presence of major crimes. We should respect the life of everyone, but to have an assassin on the streets is a danger to all the community.

1 comment:

Irina's english blog lvl 8 #1 said...

1. Jailed – in jail, put in jail, send somebody to jail
2. Your essay has a lot of vocabulary and grammar mistakes. Check it once again
Mistakes: “it is missing”, Spanish words, preposition.
3. Divide the sentences, check punctuation
4. Make your essay more logical and more structured
5. Work on conclusion