Thursday, March 19, 2009

Save the future, first the first

Save the future, first the first

20 years ago people wasted energy and water, started c0ntaminating the enviroment, cars masive selling and factories smoke produced pollution, there were a lot of animals being hunted for its fur and hides without any kind of goverment protection, the contamination increased the earth temperatures and the poles melting started. The planet is trying to breath and thats why hurricanes, tsunamis and other natural disasters are ocurring, the art preservation isnt so important as the future of our planet.

Just few years ago people started to realize that we had a problem a here, and organizations like green peace, WWF, goverment created animal protection laws, but the damage is too big and the time is running out, some scientists estimate the earth will suffer a complete drough in 50 years if we continue like this, we need to invest more in the enviroment preservation if we want a future four our children, the goverment need to create more protection laws and make restrictions orders for miner companies that want to build in forestal places, also promote campaigns of water and energy preservation and good use. The winds making disasters in Barranquilla by this days are caused by global warming.

Some people, music and art fanatics claim more attention for it, demanding more investment rather than health and enviroment, ignoring that culture comes after health care, its worthless to have a rich culture with a lot of people dying, who will enjoy it then? , and it also comes after enviroment protection, its even worthless to be rich in culture knowing we have no future, where will be the art inspiration if the nature expires?

We need new research to rebuild the ozone layer, to reduce global warming, to create water saving products, to make campaigns, we need money, we need to invest in wildlife protection and reproduction, creating national parks, and animal reservation places is expensive, employees salaries, infrastructure, this shows enviroment needs companies and goverment support.

First the first is a very common phrase in spanish, first we need to secure the future of our planet, then we can start thinking in art and culture, first we need survival, food, energy, water, then we can look and discuss whats the best paint.

Mauricio Orozco


Irina's english blog lvl 8 #1 said...

1. your sentences are too long. Put full stops.
2. “the need of art preservation have no comparison point with this problem when we talk about importancy.” – the idea is not clear
3. “people music” – does not exist. Look for another word
4. I see this essay as informative, it doesn’t have neither clear main idea nor structure. Reorganize it and make it a persuasive essay.

mauro orozco said...

after u read this, u do change ur mind about the enviroment preservation, so i do think its persuasive, and the main idea is the enviroment preservation first than the art.